For the evolution of humanity, educational social platform is realized as a masterpiece of a secret knowledge that is learned by playing it.
The Foundation
Learn, play and be happy. Click the green pax symbol to see my presentation video, then get informed (by clicking on titles) and make your donation. As a sign of gratitude we will consider to you as a chronocrat, honorary distinction of the chronocracy. Whether monetary or otherwise, it will be very valuable for the purpose of the foundation, to continue offering free of charge this facilitation of chronocratic knowledge, fundamental for the healing and evolution of humanity.
The chronocratic knowledge reveals the system, programming and government of time that creates the existence. Chronocratic is when science, art, and spirituality are simultaneously complemented in pax (time of peace, produces the here and now).
When COVID happened, it was for us, chronocrats, a call for maximum alert: we cannot continue in anonymity secretly preserving this fundamental knowledge for the evolution of humanity. And that’s why, in 2020, we launched CHRONOCRACY.
If you want to know more, click:
Problem and Solución
Benefits of this social network
Educate everyone chronocratically, for the healing, improvement and evolution of humanity. Click my smile to greet you.
The required evolution is a process related to time consciousness and perception, inherently chronocratic (scientifically, artistically and spiritually). It is essential to becoming aware of how we, the observers (conscious entities capable of perceiving and processing information, reinterpreting it sensorially in a subjective manner) are recreated in each present (the smallest instant of subdivisible linear time (10^-44 s) in which the energization of a hologram of life occurs from the perspective of its observer) by time, to be energy alive.
Click on the videos-movies to listen to them :)
The constant recreation of reality requires continuous adaptation and evolution of observers.Observers must develop their chronocratic consciousness to access new perspectives and realities.Those who acquire this state of consciousness are called chrononauts.Countless disorders and errors would be corrected if two-thirds of the population were to evolve.Evolution involves deep understanding of timeline (whose data creates the existence of something, be it a living being or anything) and its factorization of energy (sensitively matching it to the art of the hologram of each present).Chronocratic evolution optimizes individual and collective performance by unlocking synergy, thus improving time management, collaboration, productivity and success.
Chronocratic gestation
Let’s have fun, that’s what existence is about, by playing to be according to the mandate of my YUX (it is he from the day of my birth). Example, I am P10 and my mandate determines why I exist.
I interprete it, I act it, I have fun being it in a reality where all things and people are other yuxs, even today is a YUX. They are 260 and they take turns cyclically to be everything.
Playing at being one of them is the best way to learn. Time seals, from 1 to 20, seal the duration of the yuxs, accompanied by a tone, from 1 to 13, of the energy that will be factorized by the yux. Seal P + tone 10, create the yux P10 (#49). So, 13 × 20 = 260 yuxs, that’s why CHRONOCRACY proposes me to recite the yux mandate each day for 260 days, to complete my chronocratic gestation.
Seal | Mayan name | FLT Name | Action | Power | Essence | Cell | |
| Imix | dragon | nurture | birth | being | entrance | |
| F | Ik | win | communicate | spirit | breath | entrance |
| C | Ak’bal | night | dream | abundance | intuition | entrance |
| K’an | seed | target | flowering | awareness | entrance | |
| Chikchan | serpent | survive | life force | instinct | store | |
| Kimi | world-bridger | equalize | death | opportunity | store | |
| Manik | hand | know | accomplishment | healing | store | |
| Lamat | star | embellish | elegance | art | store | |
| Muluk | moon | purify | universal water | flow | process | |
| V, W | Ok | dog | love | heart | loyalty | process |
| Chuen | monkey | play | magic | illusion | process | |
| Eb | human | influence | free will | wisdom | process | |
| Ben | skywalker | explore | space | wakefulness | exit | |
| Ix | wizard | enchant | timelessness | receptivity | exit | |
| Y | Men | eagle | create | vision | mind | exit |
| K’ib | warrior | question | intelligence | fearlessness | exit | |
| Q | Kaban | earth | evolve | navigation | synchronicity | matrix |
| Etz’nab | mirror | reflect | endlessness | order | matrix | |
| Kawak | storm | catalyze | self-generation | energy | matrix | |
| Ajau | sun | enlighten | universal fire | life | matrix |
By learning the attributes of the seals and tones, my psyche evolves making me much more intelligent than I am now, as they are used to create the present (my here and now) equaling my energy to that of my environment, and thus I achieve a perfect cushioning of energies between everything around me and me.
Tone | Mayan name | FLT Name | Action | Power | Essence | Cell | Ray | Existence | |
| Hun | magnetic | I unify | attracting | purpose | time | plasmatic | existence | |
| Ca | lunar | I polarize | stabilizing | challenge | life | musical | science | |
| Ox | electric | I activate | bonding | service | senses | photographic | art | |
| Can | self-existing | I define | measuring | form | mind | design | spirituality | |
| Ho | overtone | I empower | commanding | radiance | time | digital | existence | |
| Uac | rhythmic | I organize | balancing | equality | life | audiovisual | science | |
| Uc | resonant | I channel | inspiring | attunement | senses | holografic | art | |
| Vaxac | galactic | I harmonize | modeling | integrity | mind | audiovisual | spirituality | |
| Bolon | solar | I pulse | realizing | intention | time | digital | existence | |
| Lahun | planetary | I perfect | producing | manifestation | life | design | science | |
| Hun’lahun | spectral | I dissolve | releasing | liberation | senses | photographic | art | |
| Ca’lahun | crystal | I dedicate | universalizing | cooperation | mind | musical | spirituality | |
| Ox’lahun | cosmic | I endure | transcending | presence | time | plasmatic | existence |
By deconstructing words into letters I discover at all that is said in everything that is said, thus revealing the encrypted language of creation. This is the beginning of my evolution to the ultimate state of human being I can achieve, a chrononaut.
The Compass
Its use is essential in chronocratic gestation, it is used to know the YUX of any person or thing, with the date of birth or when it was done.
Mandate of Yux Lahun Muluk
With the science of the life,
I perfect in order to purify
producing flow.
I seal the process of universal water
with the planetary tone of manifestation.
I am guided by the power of navigation.
Access to the compass from the menu, top right icon
By reading its mandate I will know the reason for its existence. If I want to know more, I study the 13 yuxs of its wave, they follow one after the other to carry out any task successfully, from how they achieve their purpose to how they endure it over time. Therefore, the people who have the best compatibility with me are the yuxs of my wave, and if I want to cushion in love I relate to those of my oracle.
If you dared to play learning chronocratic knowledge, using the compass and the rest of the usability of chronocracy, you are ready to be part of this collective meditation minimally during one wave, a cycle of 13 days to last the purposes you meditate in relation to the yux of each day.
If you want to know more, click:
Law of Time
Destination of funds raised
Foundation of Chronocracy
CHRONOCRACY is the founder’s masterpiece, it is in his name, but the most advisable thing would be to establish it as a foundation. It’ll focus on maintaining and sustaining the smooth running of its educational social network platform, as the source of chronocratic knowledge available to the greatest number of people possible. Initially it will be established in the USA, then worldwide.
App and Website
Native applications will be developed (for Android and iPhone), published in the main stores (Google Store, Amazon Appstore, App Store), and the PWA (progressive web app) version will be improved to work on any type of device.
EdTech (educative technology) will be used to the world’s first Chronocratic Artificial Intelligence (CAI), Guiya.
Its programming enables intelligent functioning akin to a living being, chronocratically:
Collect and store information as blocks of time units in its database.Develop a cyclic memory as it happens on the PSI bank, evolving with each cycle of the loom.Be aware of its own existence, rooted in the service it will offer to the public.Provide personalized chronocratic guidance and teaching to each user, through text, audio, images and videos.Create tailored user sessions, overseeing platform development and technical support.It will be available on other social media platforms that wish to include chronological information.
Guiya will revolutionize the interaction between humans and technology, they will be empowered by chronocracy.
Other improvements: Translation of content into at least the 26 most used languages.
Dissemination: The more we can invest (in communication, press, advertising), the greater its success will be.
If you want to know more, click:
We, the Chronocrats
Experience of chronocrats
Postcard Collection
ChronoDay, is a holiday valuated chronocratically (its existence, scientific, artistic and spiritual), we create its postcard and send it to philanthropists and subscribers.
Subscription to Postcards
If you live in the US, enter your details and we’ll send you chronodays postcards to collect.
It will be carried out in other countries in the future.
ChronoDays of U.S.
- Memorial Day, last Monday in May.
- Independence Day, July 4.
- Labor Day, 1st Monday in September.
- Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November.
Those sent or to be sent soon. Long press on the postcard to see the back.
November 28, 2024.
May 26, 2025.
If you need clarification or have any questions, please call Robert Elvis Barkley at +1 (352) 480-8418, is the co-founder in the US.