You are time believing to be energy, a spark running through your body in each present, creating you and the world around you... for this reason, chronocracy is made present to reveal and spread knowledge about the system, programming and time government of the natural social order of our creation, based on the human qualities acquired from the 260 yuxs of the loom of time. To be aware of those qualities innate in you, learn your yux (it weaves your existence).
In short... How can I play my existence very well? Be according to your yux.
It is a unit of time that can last long or short (the least amount that can be discovered, one day, the exact duration of your life, or the maximum estimated for the current creation) factoring your energy, in order to equal it to the art of anything you have around you. To be aware of your yux (evolving to the best version of yourself) each day one of the 260 yuxs becomes the energy of the world. Listen to it, read its mandate, and learn its programming. Also, read the mandate of your yux and act it, play that you are just as the mandate says. Relate to other people interpreting to be your yux... remember, you will obtain the maximum power of the yux when you become a CHRONONAUT.
You’ll get your CIC (chronocratic identity credential), also you will have access to your chronocratic education to become a true CHRONONAUT.
Click the video to listen to it.
Yes, of course, posting your chronology on your chronopage (be authentic and truthful), and building your network (using the compass to know their yuxs)... are preliminary steps to be a chrononaut (be prosperous). If you want to help much more you can become chronocrat, contributing with your contribution to the Foundation of Chronocracy (be charitable).